Jambalaya WEEKLY ExperIEnceS

Jambalaya invites everyone  into the warm, Loving, accepting Experience of
Family community Nature Connection

Friends and Family

If you LOVE Exploring new Worlds through
Singing, dancing, Moving to music, playing Fun Games, Story Telling, Magic, Mystery, Meditation, Yoga,Laughing, Silliness, Make Believe, Fairies, Nature, Science, Big foot, Black Cats, cute dogs, Hula hoops, Tumbling, Swinging and Living joyfully!
LOVE Jamming with Friends and  Family!
Jam experiences are
   45 minutes of music exploration and FUN!!!
. followed by 45 minutes of social hour.

Find a JAM! Fun Experience Near YOU!

10am –11:45
Louden Nelson community Center 

301 Center
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Cost per class: $18 ( ask about Family Rates!)
Scholarships Available Through The Jambalaya Foundation an Oregon Non-Profit