Experience Peace through  music

What is Jambalaya?
Jambalaya is fun for the Whole Family
Jambalaya is the love of learning
Jambalaya is daily surprises
Jambalaya is meeting new friends
Jambalaya is play, fun, exploration, silliness
Jambalaya is music!


We JAM to rhythms from throughout the world. Introducing both children and parents to exciting and fun new songs and instruments.


JAM gives Kids of all ages
a time to let loose and express themselves through the world of dance. Bring your dancing shoes and moves!


JAM believes in connecting families with their community. There is a half hour after each class for children and parents to meet and play.


JAM brings rich flavors gathered from cultures and traditions all around our world, creating an atmosphere of education and fun. You are sure to leave happy!

Family  |  Music  |  Community  |  Nature  |  Connection

What we believe in

"Music brings people together. Through music, children take an inner experience and move it into a shared creative experience. Group music-making releases energy which can be channeled in creative, productive directions. Children learn about themselves and others by playing music together and by listening to each other — tapping into hidden courage that can be played out by singing together or discovering the inner resources to listen quietly to another child's playing."
Judi Bosco
Board Certified Music Therapist


Children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons.
Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
A Stanford study shows that music engages areas of the brain which are involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating events in our memory.
Much like expert technical skills, mastery in arts and humanities is closely correlated to a greater understanding of language components.
Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training.
Early music training dramatically enhancing children's abstract reasoning skills. These findings indicate that music uniquely enhances higher brain functions required for mathematics, chess, science and engineering.
Children with learning disabilities or dyslexia who tend to lose focus with more noise could benefit greatly from music lessons.
Music Enhances Linguistic Skills. Music — specifically song — is one of the best training grounds for babies learning to recognize the tones that add up to spoken language

a note from our creative director

I began the Jambalaya Family Music Program as a way to bring families, friends and communities
 together in a fun, meaningful way. Over my years spent as an elementary school teacher, I  learned that camaraderie is perfectly created when everyone works together towards creating something brand new. This collaboration can really be anything from putting on a  play to building a playground! The important thing is  getting together and getting to know one another. JAM! provides an easy relaxed place to do this.

The Jam Family Music Program is the culmination of a dream I have held, cherished, and nurtured for many years.  It is designed to build a family, community, connection; a connection with all life. It is our joining as a world family with nature. In creating this program, I combined my love of kids, family, community. and nature into something that is enjoyable, educational, and heart warming. 
My sincere hope is that the Jam Experience will be an entertaining one for children of all ages! Including the kid that lives inside each and every one of us!